Monday 7 September 2015

Chocolate Bourbon-a-like Biscuits

One day last week I was quite bored and fancied a chocolate biscuit. This was the result. Adapted from a recipe I found online as I dislike bourbon greatly. They are bourbon biscuits in appearance only.....sort of! 

I upped the chocolate by adding more cocoa powder and switched out some of the sugar for muscovado. I have no doubt that a bit of dark muscovado would do nicely as well adding that darker more treacly flavour in the background. 

The filling is frankly awesome and works very well on a cake, making for an extra chocolatey chocolate cake!

What I would say though is cut the rectangles a little smaller than I did as you'll end up with more biscuits. I made mine a little bit big but that did have the advantage of having too much filling so I had to go at it with a spoon......shame.

I will be adding this one to my website, Sticky Note Recipes, in the next batch of notes to be added.

Bourbon Biscuits
Massive Bourbon Biscuits


For the Biscuits

100g butter
75g light muscovado sugar
25g caster sugar
2 tbsp golden syrup
200g plain flour
50g cocoa powder
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
a pinch of salt
3 tbsp milk

For the Filling

100g butter
175g icing sugar
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1/2 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat the over to 170C.

Cream together the butter and sugar.

Add the golden syrup.

Sift in the flour, cocoa powder, bicarb and salt.

Add the milk slowly to make a smooth dough.

Roll out into a large rectangle and cut into equal sized rectangles. Make sure you have an even number as they need to be paired, unless you fancy a small snack while making the filling!

Bake for 10 mins and leave to cool on a wire rack.

Make the filling and sandwich between pairs of biscuits.